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Our Purpose

To significantly exceed the performance of the stock market, as measured by the ASX 200 Accumulation Index (AXJOA) and the MSCI World Index. The intention is to achieve this at a lower risk than the stock market

How we do it

A suite of algorithms is used to trade the markets automatically on a 24 x 5 basis. This is known as Algorithmic, Systematic  or Quant Trading.

What we offer

  • Superior Returns at lower risk
  • A unique investment asset class which is not correlated to the equities markets and will therefore compliment any investment portfolio.
  • Returns that are consistent, reliable, and to some extent, predictable from month to month.
  • Returns that are generated in the short term and long term.
  • The opportunity for Private and Institutional investors to improve the performance and reduce the risk of their investment portfolios, by adding The Quant Fund as genuine diversification to existing investment portfolios.

What we offer

The system has been designed to achieve the following objectives:

Exceed the performance of the stock market at a lower risk.

Achieve returns that are relatively consistent from month to month, ranging between 1.5% to 3% per month.

To provide reasonable returns both in the short-term and long-term.

To be a unique investment asset class that is not correlated to the stock market.

Genuine diversification for all investment portfolios.

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